Home ARC Events - Austin Rifle Club ARC Education Intro to Competition (Range ‘I’)
Cancelled due to Range Conditions

Intro to Competition (Range ‘I’)

Introduction to Competition

NEW: Intro to competition course in November! On the 2nd weekend of November we shall hold an intro to competition course, with two goals. Prepare people who are interested in safely participating in their first match, and offering new members who have no experience in safely handling their firearms from a holster.

Course will be also open to PCC shooters. Course is only for full and associate members, no guests please.

If you have any questions and/or suggestions about the course call or text me at 512-998-4583

Click here to Sign Up!

We will walk you and let you shoot two sample stages, give an overview of the rules, and the experience to shoot from the holster on a timer. Bring your firearm unloaded, at least two mags (al least three will be necessary for an actual match), holster and mag carrier. If you do not have a holster bring the gun cased and we will accommodate and provide some suggestions for suitable holsters and mag carriers.

Firearm has to be at least 9mm, can be 40 or 45. We will also accommodate pistol caliber carbines in the same calibers. For those, bring a chamber flag as well.


Nov 11 2023


1:00 PM - 3:30 PM


Range 'I'
Range 'I'
16312 Littig Rd, Manor, TX 78653 (this address NOT for mail)

See Range 'I' location on map



Luca Barbera

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