Our mailing address has changed
We are in the process of canceling our old P.O. Box. Please ensure any correspondence is addressed to: Austin Rifle Club16312 Littig RdManor, TX 78653
Intro to rifle Marksmanship class in January
See you at the Education Building on January 15 at 6:30pm for this interesting class on the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship. Below some of the topics we shall cover. To sign up, email education@austinrifleclub.org or use this link https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/intro-to-rifle-marksmanship-class The class is free, if you want to make a donation to the club do it at the class. The Ed building is heated, feel free…
Stop the bleed is back!
Stop the Bleed classes are returning to ARC. In collaboration with the Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services, we will host the first 2025 class on January 22nd at 6 pm to 8pm in the Education Building. The class is free and open to non-members, so bring friends and family. Instructors will be highly qualified members of the County Emergency Medical Services. The class will last…